Live-in relationships have become more common these days and the society is still learning to accept this fact. Just like anything, Live-in relationships comes with their own set of advantages and disadvantages. Let's us look at what are the pros and cons of living together before marriage.
The idea of a live-in relationship is either to know more about your partner before getting married or to live like a married couple without any commitments, specially for people who have commitment issues. Lack of faith in the institution of marriage also make some people chose this unconventional way of living with their romantic partners.
As everything related to our lives have two aspect to it, live-in relationship also has its own advantages and disadvantages. Today I am going to talk about both its positive and negative sides.
Net practice before the final match - Live in relationship helps you to evaluate your partner more efficiently as your life becomes more transparent to each other, living under the same roof. You develop to understand more about the opposite person and their likes and dislikes, which would help you in the future when you decide to get married.
Sharing is caring - The sense of sharing expenses before marriage is totally different post marriage. Here, both the individual is neither answerable to each other about their spending expense nor they have to worry about any joint financial ventures. Both parties have the financial liberty to indulge in their favorite activities without being questioned.
No social and legal responsibilities - Marriage binds two individuals together legally and socially. After getting married, there are chances of being judged or feeling pressurized by the society in various ways.
As the the external factor of social burden is less on the couple while in a live-in relationship, there are more chances for the relationship to blossom.
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