How to be a good parent

Parenting is a beautiful gift to be blessed with. It is an amazing feeling to be parents. A warm breeze of joy and contentment soothes your heart and soul when your child looks at you with beaming eyes.However, parenting is not an easy task especially when your child starts growing up.
There are certain qualities which are essential for good parenting. A lack in those qualities leads to complications and a strained relationship with your child. But don't worry because i present to you:-
10.Supportive:- Every human being needs support, a pillar to hold on to during bad times. It becomes far more important in case of children, they need support of their parents to cross different hurdles of their life. So, a parent needs to support them at every stage of their life. Just holding their hands and saying "Dear, i am with you" will give them immense strength, support and confidence.
9.Encouraging:- Parents should always encourage their children to achieve their goal. Giving them confidence and motivating them to achieve their goal would do wonders to them.Giving example of great personalities to motivate them will boost their self-esteem and self-confidence.
8.Become their friend:- When children grow up they tend to become distant from their parents.Thus, it becomes very important for a parent to be the best of all their friends.
You should be frank with them and let them open up to you. Make them feel comfortable when they talk to you and share things.
7.Love and care:- love and care are the two important pillars of parenting. A parent's love and care shapes up the child. Loving and caring makes them feel special,grateful and blessed.
6.Be a role model:- For every child his father or mother is his first hero. It is the parents whom they look up to. Thus, try to become a role model for your children. Love them,lead them and show them the right path.
5.Patience :- Dealing with kids is a tiresome job. It is not easy but do not give up or loose patience.Remember, your parents dealt with you too no matter how hard it was for them. Never take decisions in a rage, take a deep breath and keep patience.
4.Trust:- Trust is one of the most important qualities of a good parent. Most of the arguments occur due to lack of trust between parent and the child. Thus, you being parents must trust your children ,especially ,in their teens when they tend to be vulnerable. Trust them, Believe in them,your values imbibed in them will not lead them in wrong directions.
3.Understanding:- Understanding is an integral part of parenting. It leads to good and smooth relation between you and your children. Thus, it becomes important to understand them and act accordingly. Make them feel that what they say, matters to you.
2. Never be abusive:- You need to understand that everyone makes mistake but physical or verbal abuse is not a solution. Try to make them understand the consequences of their mistake so that they become more careful in future.
1.Never compare:- Most of the parents compare their children with other's. Understand this "Every child is unique and special." Never, and i repeat, never compare them with other children. It damages their self-esteem and confidence. love them for what they are.
Parenting is easy, all you have to do is trust yourself and put that trust in child. Children are your reflection and you should protect them.
Parenting skills are the guiding forces of a good parent to lead a child into a healthy adult, they influence on development, maintenance, and cessation of children’s negative and positive behaviors. Parenting takes a lot of skill and patience and is constant work and growth.
Whole life changes when baby comes in your life. Suddenly rushing into everything starts.