Indian men are like their counterparts in the west, but there is a slight difference as in India the intermixing between the sexes is a restricted to an extent. There are many articles and books on this subject by western writers for whom this is a hot topic, but not many have written on this aspect from the Indian men’s point of view. One point that needs elucidation is that for an Indian man sex is of great importance and is a major factor in their falling in love. The other basic ingredients are as below.
Indian men are like their counterparts in the west, but there is a slight difference as in India the intermixing between the sexes is a restricted to an extent. There are many articles and books on this subject by western writers for whom this is a hot topic, but not many have written on this aspect from the Indian men’s point of view. One point that needs elucidation is that for an Indian man sex is of great importance and is a major factor in their falling in love. The other basic ingredients are as below.
In India women look for a man who can give them security and stability. Looks are not that important. But for men in India it is exactly the opposite.
An Indian man will look for a woman who is fair and beautiful. The criterion for fairness is universal and all men look for the fairest to fall in love.
Mentally an Indian man undresses a woman and that is a factor in falling in love. This may be because of segregation of the sexes, but looks coupled with fairness is a major ingredient for an Indian man.
Mental Make up
Indian man likes what he sees. Physical attraction is important and constitutes 60% of the chemistry. But some small acts and behaviorism of a woman are also likely to attract an Indian man. Simple actions like a smile, scratching the chin or a dimpled cheek can be a factor in a man falling in love.
Once a woman speaks her demeanor can also be a factor. Indian men like women to talk. They will also like to see the background, but this entire fill fall flat in case a woman from any walk reciprocates the Indian man. With a dearth of contacts with the opposite sex in most parts of India the ability of a woman to mix with a man and talk and go for a date is a factor for a man to fall in love.
Once an Indian man is in love he will go to any ends to achieve his objective. Most Indian men will love a relationship without responsibility. But a woman must ensure that she does not give herself to the man easily and thus create an aura about herself.
A man is an emotional person, more so an Indian man. He will like to have an emotional bond. In case a girl is fair, slim and good-looking and reciprocates the advance of a man the chance that he will fall head over heels in love is a real possibility.
There are a number of reasons why a partner may decide to remain silent. On the other hand, the receiver of the silent treatment should try to find out why his/her partner has remained silent instead of reciprocating the same.
Different forms of abuse ruin a relationship. Many women in a relationship go through abuse.
Live-in relationships have become more common these days and the society is still learning to accept this fact. Just like anything, Live-in relationships comes with their own set of advantages and disadvantages.