50 Questions Women Have Before Before their Wedding
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As the wedding date approaches the couple to wed senses the air of excitement and happiness. The bride to be may seem calm and relaxed; however, the truth is a number of questions pop up in dark corners of her mind. This article offers a detailed perspective on questions that linger in a woman’s mind before her wedding.
The wedding is the big day in the lives of the couple to be united in matrimony. While the groom seems rather relaxed as the big day gets near, the bride feels the butterflies flutter in her head. Men are often found to be at ease as their wedding date gets near, women on the other hand get the nerves as the big day gets closer.
Both the bride and the groom want their wedding too be perfect. However, men are realistic and do not scrutinize every detail minutely in anticipation of their wedding. On the flip side women tend to become strict disciplinarians and want every aspect to be fairytale perfect. The word ‘Will’ gets vivid in a woman’s mind as her wedding date approaches.
The questions women have before their wedding is supremely detailed aspects of detail.
There’s a lot that goes into making the wedding a grand success. Expectations are high when a great deal of time is spent planning for the big day. It’s natural for the bride to feel the nerves as her wedding date gets nearer. The ‘Will…questions’ start coming alive from nowhere in the bride’s mind. As the wedding date approaches, questions that pop up in a bride’s mind are plenty.
The lines below showcase a detailed list of questions that frequently linger in a woman’s mind before her wedding
50 Questions that Linger in a Woman’s mind before her Wedding
- Will everything go as Planned?
- Should I Invite her?
- Should I invite him?
- Should I invite them?
- Will I look good in my wedding gown?
- Should I wear a padded Bra?
- Will I be comfortable walking in Stiletto heels?
- Will I walk down the aisle properly?
- Will I look elegant and graceful in my wedding gown as I walk down the Aisle?
- Will I stand properly next to my partner?
- Is the neckline of my wedding gown too deep?
- Will my hair look good?
- Will the nail paint look good on my fingers?
- How do I hold the Bridal Bouquet?
- Will my fingers be seen as I hold the Bridal Bouquet?
- Will The Bridal Bouquet look good?
- Will the Bridesmaids perform their duties properly?
- Will my transfer resistant lipstick come off when I kiss?
- Will my posture be good when I’m standing or sitting?
- Will my Bridal Footwear be visible to guests at the wedding?
- Will I feel sleepy and yawn during the priest/wedding minister’s sermon?
- Will I say the wedding vows properly?
- Will I be heard clearly by all as I take my vows?
- Will I put the wedding ring on my partner’s finger correctly?
- Will the ring fit perfectly on my finger?
- Will I feel hot in my wedding gown?
- Will I perspire a lot because of the wedding gown?
- Will I faint on my wedding day?
- Will my bridal makeup look patchy because of sweat?
- Will the Foundation blend with my skin?
- Will My Eye makeup look good?
- Will I smell good when I perspire?
- Will I Be self-conscious?
- What if I have to use the washroom at the Wedding Reception?
- Will my Make Up come off if I cry getting emotional?
- Will the Hairspray/ bridal clips/bridal pins hold my Hairdo Properly?
- Will cutting the cake at the wedding reception be easy?
- Will my wedding ring be seen when I Hold my glass of Champagne
- Will I dance the First Dance/Wedding Special well (will I remember the dance steps?)
- Should I wear different Footwear at the Wedding Reception?
- How much of cake should I eat when my Husband offers me a bite?
- Will I blink too often when the lights are on me?
- Will I get to eat at the wedding reception when I’m hungry?
- Will I be able to continuously smile through the wishing ceremony at the reception?
- Should I smile for the camera every time?
- Will the color theme look good?
- How often should I strike a pose for the camera?
- Will the Bridesmaids be around for assistance at the wedding reception?
- Will I stain my wedding gown while I eat?
- Will guests have a good time at the wedding?
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