Essence Of Friendship

Friendship never see the status, gender, caste, creed and other differences, it only looks for the caring heart. It requires the real trust and understanding, we must be real, frank and genuine to our friends to keep our friendship close for a long time.

Friendship never see the status, gender, caste, creed and other differences, it only looks for the caring heart. It requires the real trust and understanding, we must be real, frank and genuine to our friends to keep our friendship close for a long time.

Try your maximum to understand your friend before making a close relationship with them, also we don't have the ability to make a good friendship with out understanding. Trust is another important factor, we must have a good trust and it will come from the understanding, if we know about our friend fully, then we have the ability to trust him easily without any doubts.

Mutual helping activities are important between friends, we must help our friends whenever they needed it. Try your maximum to help the friend who is in need, if we help him in the needy situation, he will do the same thing when we are in need. This kind of mutual help is one of the best and important factor in friendship.

Affection is another important thing and we must always care about our friend. Don't expect a lot from your friend, some times this kind of expectations will give disappointments, as well as true friendship don't expect anything from the friend.

Help your friend when he is in need and guide them in a good way when he is in wrong path.

We must be very careful while dealing with friends, Most of us have common friends, i.e. we have 3 or 4 best friends in our gang and all of them knows each other. Some time one of our friend will tell some thing about our another friend either good or bad. There is nothing wrong in sharing this with our prescribed friend, if the information is good about him.

But we must convey it to our other friend before telling this to our friend, some times we hear some bad things about our friends, at that time we must confirm about the things before asking this to them, if we are not sure about the thing and we ask the thing to our friend, it may lead us to break our good friendship. We must handle everything careful while dealing with our best friends.

If you think your friend is right and there is no wrong from his side, you must give your full support to him and argue with the person whoever tells ills about your friend. Don't believe all the things you heard, first of all confirm about the things before asking question to your friend. understanding and trust is very important in a good friendship. A true friend is the person who is always giving good suggestion and ideas to you as well as become a shadow to you in all the times either in your good and bad time.  

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