Growing up Tips: How to Take Care of Your Younger Brothers and Sisters

Caring for younger brother or sister should be considered and enjoyable activity for you and your other brothers or sisters. Having fun with them promotes closeness, love and affection. Heath and safety is also an important task in performing your task. Some pointers include:

Caring for younger brother or sister should be considered and enjoyable activity for you and your other brothers or sisters. Having fun with them promotes closeness, love and affection. Heath and safety is also an important task in performing your task. Some pointers include:

1. Maintain cleanliness at all times. See to it that the place where your younger brother or sister plays and sleeps is clean.

Check for proper ventilation and allow fresh air to circulate. This will keep him/her comfortable while playing or sleeping.
3. When using an electric fan, tilt the fan slightly away from him/her to avoid the direct draft of air blowing into his/her face. Clean the fan regularly at least once a week to insure that the air is clean.
4. Keep a regular schedule for sleeping, eating, and playing. Follow this schedule until it develops a habit.
5. Always guide him/her during playtime or eating time. Gently teach him/her how to eat properly and how to play with his/her toys correctly. Later, when he/she knows how to do things right, he/she can be independent.
6. Always treat him/her with patience and tender loving care, during mealtime, playtime or before letting him/her go to sleep. This will make him/her feel loved and secure.

Taking your younger brother or sister is a fun thing to do. Just remember these things:

1. All children are different from each other. They differ in their physical appearance, in intelligence, in temperament and in behavior.
2. Taking care of younger brothers and sisters can be fun if you are kind, understanding, and patient.
3. Just like most children, your younger brothers and sisters need simple, loose and comfortable clothes, sufficient rest and sleep, a variety of educational and safe toys and playthings as well as your love, affection, and protection.
4. Some activities that you need to learn to take care of them well are the proper ways of bathing, dressing, feeding, and playing.
5. Always observe health and safety practices when caring for them. Some of these practices are maintaining at all time, checking for proper ventilation, following schedule for all activities guiding them in what they do and treating them with patience and tender loving care.

As a final recap of what have been written regarding the proper care of younger brothers and sisters, you can answer the questions below with yes or no to see if you are indeed taking care for your younger brothers and sisters.
1. Do you help your younger brother or sister taking a bath?
2. Do you prepare his/her food?
3. Do you feed him/her during meals or snacks?
4. Do you play with him/her?
5. Do you take care of him/her when mother is away?
6. Do you teach him/her to talk or sing?
7. Do you change his/her dress?
8. Do you teach him/her on how to play with toys?
9. Do you put him/her to rest or sleep?

note: originally posted at under the same author.

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